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Примеры проектов Keil

Примеры программ в Keil

Project #1 Example (SPI, GPIO)

#include "regs_map_C_v6.h"
#include "reg51.h"

This program shows work of seven-segment indicators and VD1-VD4 LEDs.
1. Controlling LEDs VD1-VD4.

sbit gpioa_0 = 0x80;
sbit gpioa_1 = 0x81;
sbit gpioa_2 = 0x82;
sbit gpioa_3 = 0x83;
sbit gpioa_4 = 0x84;
sbit gpioa_5 = 0x85;
sbit gpioa_6 = 0x86;
sbit gpioa_7 = 0x87;

void Delay(int tick);

void main (void)
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0xF0); //GPIOA_4-GPIOA_7 are output
while (1)
//Blinking VD1-VD4
gpioa_4 = 1;
gpioa_4 = 0;
gpioa_5 = 1;
gpioa_5 = 0;
gpioa_6 = 1;
gpioa_6 = 0;
gpioa_7 = 1;
gpioa_7 = 0;

void Delay(int tick){
volatile int i=0;

Project #2 (ANALOG_CFG)

#include "regs_map_C_v6.h"
#include "reg51.h"

This program shows how to configurate RC-generator.
1. ANALOG_O_RC - configure of capacitance, ANALOG_O_RC_R - configure of resistance.
2. ANALOG_O_RC = 0x00 and ANALOG_O_RC_R = 0x07 gives max frequency.
3. ANALOG_O_RC = 0x7F and ANALOG_O_RC_R = 0x00 gives min frequency.

void main (void)
WriteReg(ANALOG_O_RC, 0x0A); //Capacitance
WriteReg(ANALOG_O_RC_R, 0x03); //Resistance

Project #3 (ADC)

#include "regs_map_C_v6.h"
#include "reg51.h"

This program checks the operation of the first channel of the ADC multiplexer

1. First need apply 5 volts of reference voltage to Vrp_ADC.
2. Then you need to apply voltage to pin A1 from 0 to 5 B.
3. Load the program. Depending on the applied voltage, the LED on pins gpioa_7 or gpioa_6 will light up

sbit gpioa_6 = 0x86;
sbit gpioa_7 = 0x87;

unsigned char val[2];
unsigned int res;

void Delay(int tick);

void main (void)
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0xC0); // GPIOA_6 and GPIOA_7 is output
WriteReg(ADC_CFG, 0x20); // Right aligned bits
WriteReg(ADC_CTRL, 0x05); // Enable ADC and pin A1
while (1) {
WriteReg(ADC_CTRL, 0x07); // Start adc
while ((ReadReg(ADC_ST)&0x04)!=0x04); // Wait until the new data is ready to be read
val[1] = ReadReg(ADC_RESH); // Read high register
val[0] = ReadReg(ADC_RESL); // Read low register
res = val[1];
res <<= 8;
res |= val[0]; // 16-bit result
if ((res > 0x800) && (res <= 0xFFF)) { //if more than 2,5 B
gpioa_7 ^= 1; // gpioa_7 is 5 B
else {
gpioa_6 ^= 1; // gpioa_6 is 5 B

void Delay(int tick){
volatile int i=0;

Project #4 (DAC)

#include "regs_map_C_v6.h"
#include "reg51.h"

This program show DAC in action.
1. First need apply 5 volts of reference voltage to Vrp_DAC.
2. Then need to write high and low bytes of digital value.
3. Finally check DAC_OUT pin, which is equal to analog value.

void main (void)
/*Vrp_DAC = 5 B*/
WriteReg(DAC_CTRL, 0x01); //DAC is enabled
WriteReg(DAC_CFG, 0x01); //Right alignment
WriteReg(DAC_VALUE0, 0xFF); //Write 8 less significant bits of DAC_VALUE
WriteReg(DAC_VALUE1, 0x0F); //Write 4 most significant bits of DAC_VALUE
/*DAC_OUT = 5 B */
while (1);

Project #5 (GPIO)

#include "regs_map_C_v6.h"
#include "reg51.h"

This program shows in action GPIO in input and output modes.
1. Microcontroller checks level of GPIOA_4.
2. If it's in high level, then inverts state of GPIOA_5.
3. Microcontroller checks level of GPIOA_7.
4. If it's in high level, then inverts state of GPIOA_6.
5. GPIOC_5 and GPIOC_7 are always in high level.

void Delay(int tick);

sbit gpioa_0 = 0x80;
sbit gpioa_1 = 0x81;
sbit gpioa_2 = 0x82;
sbit gpioa_3 = 0x83;
sbit gpioa_4 = 0x84;
sbit gpioa_5 = 0x85;
sbit gpioa_6 = 0x86;
sbit gpioa_7 = 0x87;

sbit gpiob_0 = 0xA0;
sbit gpiob_1 = 0xA1;
sbit gpiob_2 = 0xA2;
sbit gpiob_3 = 0xA3;
sbit gpiob_4 = 0xA4;
sbit gpiob_5 = 0xA5;
sbit gpiob_6 = 0xA6;
sbit gpiob_7 = 0xA7;

sbit gpioc_0 = 0xB0;
sbit gpioc_1 = 0xB1;
sbit gpioc_2 = 0xB2;
sbit gpioc_3 = 0xB3;
sbit gpioc_4 = 0xB4;
sbit gpioc_5 = 0xB5;
sbit gpioc_6 = 0xB6;
sbit gpioc_7 = 0xB7;

void main (void)
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0x6F); //GPIOA_0 - GPIOA_3, GPIOA_5 and GPIOA_6 are output
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_CLR, 0x90); //GPIOA_7 and GPIOA_4 are input
WriteReg(GPIOC_DIR_SET, 0xF0); //GPIOC_4-GPIOC_7 are output
while (1)
if ((P0&0x10) == 0x10) //Check if CPIOA_4 in high level
gpioa_5 ^= 1; //Then invert GPIOA_5
if ((P0&0x80) == 0x80) //Check if GPIOA_7 in high level
gpioa_6 ^= 1; //Invert GPIOA_6
P3 = 0xA0; //GPIOC_7 and GPIOC_5 are always in high level

void Delay(int tick){
volatile int i=0;

Project #6 (I2C)

#include "regs_map_C_v6.h"
#include "reg51.h"

This program shows I2C interface in action in slave and master modes.
1. In slave mode microcontroller waits byte for receiving.
2. Addres of receiver is "0x0F".
3. If it receives byte, then checks.
4. If byte is equal to "0x80" then inverts state of GPIOA_5;
5. In master mode microcontroller sends 4 bytes to slave;
6. GPIOC_6 and GPIOC_7 are used for SCL and SDA accordingly.

sbit gpioa_5 = 0x85;
sbit gpioa_4 = 0x84;
unsigned char opros; //Value for received byte

///*slave mode*///

void main(void)
gpioa_5 = 0;
WriteReg(GPIOC_ALTF1, 0x50); //GPIOC_6 - SCL, GPIOC_7 - SDA
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0x20); //GPIOA_5 is output
WriteReg(I2C_CFG, 0x00); //Receiving buffer is disabled for overwriting
WriteReg(I2C_ADDR0, 0x0F); //Address of receiver
WriteReg(I2C_CTRL, 0x09); //I2C module is enabled, acknowledgment of receiving byte
while (1)
while((ReadReg(I2C_ST1)&0x01)!=0x01); //Waiting while receive buffer is empty
opros = ReadReg(I2C_RXFIFO); //Saving byte from receive buffer
WriteReg(I2C_CTRL, 0x09); //
if (opros == 0x80) //Check saved byte
gpioa_5 ^= 1; //If it's equal to '0x80' then invert GPIOA_5

/* master mode*/

void Delay(int tick);

void main (void)
WriteReg(GPIOC_ALTF1, 0x50); //GPIOC_6 - SCL, GPIOC_7 - SDA
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0x20); //GPIOA_5 is output
WriteReg(I2C_CFG, 0x01); //Receiving buffer is enabled for overwriting
WriteReg(I2C_PRSC0, 0x1A); //Less significant byte of prescalers
WriteReg(I2C_RXTHRESHOLD, 0x7); //The number of unread bytes in receiver buffer, which forms the according sign in status register
while (1)
gpioa_5 = 1; //High level
WriteReg(I2C_TXFIFO, 0x0E); //Addres of slave is equal to "0x07"
WriteReg(I2C_CTRL, 0x03); //I2C module and forming START sequence are enabled
WriteReg(I2C_TXFIFO, 0x09); //Transmitting 0x09
WriteReg(I2C_TXFIFO, 0x02); //Transmitting0x02
WriteReg(I2C_TXFIFO, 0x05); //Transmitting 0x05
WriteReg(I2C_TXFIFO, 0x0F); //Transmitting 0x0F
while((ReadReg(I2C_ST1)&0x04)!=0x04); //Waiting transmitting from TX buffer
WriteReg(I2C_CTRL, 0x05); //I2C module and forming STOP sequence are enabled
gpioa_5 = 0; //Low level

void Delay(int tick){
volatile int i=0;

Project #7 (1-Wire)

#include "regs_map_C_v6.h"
#include "reg51.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"

This program shows 1-Wire interface in action
1. Microcontroller reads ID of slave device and compares it with ID_CONST.
2. The testing function returns status.
3. OK - ID was read successfully and it is right.
4. Error-reset - device didn't give response impulse.
5. Error-read - read ID doesn't match with ID_CONST

typedef enum {
} Status_t;

#define bool char
#define true 1
#define false 0

//Read ROM_ID of slave device
void READ_ROM(char* ID);

//Send impulse Reset with 1-Wire
char OW_Reset();

//Read 1 byte with 1-Wire
unsigned char OW_ReadByte(void);

//Send 1 byte with 1-Wire
void OW_WriteByte(char DATA);

//Testing function
Status_t OWI_TEST(char* ID);

//Int to c_string
char* itoa(int num, char* str, int base);

//Send string with UART
void put_string(const char * s);

unsigned char ID[8] = 0;

const unsigned char ID_CONST[8] = {0x28, 0x17, 0xC8, 0xd0, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE8};

void Delay(int tick);

void main (void)
int i, j;
char buf[20];
WriteReg(OWI_PRCR, 0x88); //Settings of 1-Wire prescaler
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
j = (int)ID[i];
itoa(j, buf, 16);
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
j = (int)ID_CONST[i];
itoa(j, buf, 16);

void Delay(int tick){
volatile int i=0;

void put_char(unsigned char c){
volatile int i=0;
WriteReg(UART0_TX,c); //Sending byte to UART_TX buffer
while(ReadReg(UART0_ST1)&0x2!=0x2); //Waiting for UART transmitting

void put_string(const char * s){

void reverse(char * str, int length)
int start = 0;
int end = length -1;
char c;
while (start < end)
c = *(str+end);
*(str+end) = *(str+start);
*(str+start) = c;

char* itoa(int num, char* str, int base)
int i = 0;
bool isNegative = false;

//Separate case for zero
if (num == 0)
str[i++] = '0';
str[i] = '\0';
return str;

//The number is represented in negative form only in decimal format
if (num < 0 && base == 10)
isNegative = true;
num = -num;

//Representing the digits of a number in a given base
while (num != 0)
int rem = num % base;
str[i++] = (rem > 9)? (rem-10) + 'a' : rem + '0';
num = num/base;

//For a negative number add a minus sign
if (isNegative)
str[i++] = '-';

str[i] = '\0'; //Adding an empty character to the end of a string

//Reverse string
reverse(str, i);

return str;

Status_t OWI_TEST(char* ID) {
if(OW_Reset()) return Error_reset;


if (strcmp(ID, ID_CONST))
return Error_read;
return OK;

void READ_ROM(char* ID) {
int i;

OW_WriteByte(0x33); //Reading ROM_ID
ReadReg(OWI_BUF); //Clear buffer
ReadReg(OWI_BUF); //Clear buffer

//Read 8 bytes in series
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
ID[i] = OW_ReadByte();

char OW_Reset() {
WriteReg(OWI_CFG, OWI_CFG_1WR); //Init transmit reset signal
while( !(ReadReg(OWI_ST) & OWI_ST_PD) ); //Wainting for transmitting
if ( ReadReg(OWI_ST) & OWI_ST_PDR ) return 1; //Checking fixation flag of response impulse
return 0;

unsigned char OW_ReadByte(void) {
unsigned char res;

WriteReg(OWI_BUF, 0xFF); //Transmit "0xFF" for reading byte
while( !(ReadReg(OWI_ST) & OWI_ST_RBF) ); //Waiting for filling receive buffer
res = ReadReg(OWI_BUF); //Duplex buffer

return res;

void OW_WriteByte(char DATA) {
while( !(ReadReg(OWI_ST) & OWI_ST_TBE) ); //Waiting for filling transmit buffer
WriteReg(OWI_BUF, DATA);
while( !(ReadReg(OWI_ST) & OWI_ST_TEMT) ); //Waiting for transmitting

Project #8 (SLEEP mode)

#include "regs_map_C_v6.h"
#include "reg51.h"

This program shows switching clocking and low power mode
1. Microcontroller switches to clocking from RC-chain.
2. Microcontroller enters low power mode.
3. Microcontroller switches to clocking from xtal.

sbit gpioa_6 = 0x86;

void main (void)
WriteReg(FSM_PRD2, 0x01); //value for FSM_H
WriteReg(FSM_PRD1, 0x01); //value for FSM_M
WriteReg(FSM_PRD0, 0xFF); //value for FSM_L
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0x40); //GPIOA_6 is output
while (1)
WriteReg(CMM_CTRL, 0x06);
WriteReg(CMM_CTRL, 0x07); //clocking from RC
while((ReadReg(CMM_ST)&0x2)==0x2); //Waiting for switching to frequency
WriteReg(CMM_CTRL, 0x05); //clocking from RC
gpioa_6 = 1; //High level
WriteReg(FSM_CTRL, 0x01); //Enable switch frequency module
gpioa_6 = 0; //Low level
WriteReg(CMM_CTRL, 0x07);
WriteReg(CMM_CTRL, 0x06); //clocking from xtal
while((ReadReg(CMM_ST)&0x2)==0x2); //Waiting for switching to frequency
WriteReg(CMM_CTRL, 0x02); //clocking from xtal

Project #9 (SPI)

#include "regs_map_C_v6.h"
#include "reg51.h"

This program shows SPI interface in action
1. In master mode microcontroller sends 2 bytes in mode 0.
2. In slave mode microcontroller recives bytes and checks its values.
3. After checking values it can invert GPIOA_4, GPIOA_6 or GPIOA_7 state accordingly.
4. When it receives byte interrupt is inverting GPIOA_5 state.

unsigned char val;
sbit gpioa_7 = 0x87;
sbit gpioa_6 = 0x86;
sbit gpioa_3 = 0x83;
sbit gpioa_5 = 0x85;
sbit gpioa_4 = 0x84;

/* MASTER */

void Delay(int tick);

void main (void)
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0x08); //GPIOA_3 is output (CS)
gpioa_3 = 1; //High level of CS
WriteReg(GPIOA_ALTF0, 0x15); //GPIOA_0 - MOSI, GPIOA_1 - MISO, GPIOA_2 - SCK
WriteReg(SPI0_CFG2, 0x08); //Frequency is 250kHz
WriteReg(SPI0_CFG0, 0x11); //Set master mode, data format is 16 bit, mode 0, bit order is MSB
while (1)
WriteReg(SPI0_TX1, 0x52); //First byte to transmit buffer
WriteReg(SPI0_TX0, 0xA9); //Second byte to transmit buffer
gpioa_3 = 0; //Lov level of CS
WriteReg(SPI0_CTRL, 0x01); //SPI is enabled
while ((ReadReg(SPI0_ST)&0x20)==0x20); //Waiting for transmitting bytes from TX buffer
//while ((ReadReg(SPI0_ST)&0x40)!=0x40); - alternative register is NULL_BUF

gpioa_3 = 1; //High level of CS
WriteReg(SPI0_CTRL, 0x00); //SPI is disabled

void Delay(int tick){
volatile int i=0;

void main (void)
IE = 0x84; //Interrupt for SPI is enabled
WriteReg(GPIOA_ALTF0, 0x55); //GPIOA_0 - MOSI, GPIOA_1 - MISO, GPIOA_2 - SCK, GPIOA_3 - CS
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0xF0); //GPIOA_7, GPIOA_6, GPIOA_5 are output
WriteReg(SPI0_CFG0, 0x06); //Set slave mode, data format is 8 bit, mode 0
WriteReg(SPI0_CFG1, 0x01); //Only receiving is enabled
WriteReg(SPI0_CFG2, 0x08); //Frequency is 250kHz
WriteReg(SPI0_MSK, 0x08); //Enable interrupt when receiving buffer is not empty
WriteReg(SPI0_CTRL, 0x01); //SPI is enabled
while (1)
if (val == 0xA9) //check if received 0xA9
gpioa_7 ^= 1; //Invert GPIOA_7 state
val = 0x00;
if (val == 0x51)
gpioa_6 ^= 1;
if(val == 0xAA)
gpioa_4 ^= 1;
val = 0x00;

void int1_handler (void) interrupt 2 //Interrupt on receinving data
gpioa_5 ^= 1; //Invert GPIOA_5 state
val = ReadReg(SPI0_RX0); //Save received byte to value
WriteReg(INT_FIX_CLR1, 0x08); //Reset of interrupt

Project #9 (Timer)

#include "regs_map_C_v6.h"
#include "reg51.h"

This program shows different timerts in action.
1. Simple timer.
2. Timer with external stop event.
3. Timer-counter.
4. Timer-counter with external event.
5. Inter-event timer.

sbit gpioa_7 = 0x87;
sbit gpioa_6 = 0x86;
sbit gpioa_5 = 0x85;

///Simple timer0///

void main (void)
IE = 0x84; //Enable interrupts from timer0
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0xC0); //GPIOA_7 and GPIOA_6 are output
WriteReg(TMR0_PRDH, 0x0A); //Set high period of timer0
WriteReg(TMR0_PRDM, 0xFF); //Set medium period of timer0
WriteReg(TMR0_PRDL, 0xFF); //Set low period of timer0
WriteReg(TMR0_MSK, 0x01); //Enable interrupt at the end of counting
WriteReg(TMR0_CTRL, 0x21); //Enable timer0 and start from 0 at the end of counting
gpioa_6 = 1;
while (1);

void int1_handler (void) interrupt 2
gpioa_7 = ~gpioa_7; //Invert GPIOA_7 state
WriteReg(INT_FIX_CLR1, 0x02); //Reset interrupt

///Simple timer1///
void main (void)
IE = 0x90;
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0xC0);
WriteReg(TMR1_PRDH, 0x0A);
WriteReg(TMR1_PRDM, 0xFF);
WriteReg(TMR1_PRDL, 0xFF);
WriteReg(TMR1_MSK, 0x01);
WriteReg(TMR1_CTRL, 0x21);
gpioa_6 = 1;
while (1);

void int1_handler (void) interrupt 4
gpioa_7 = ~gpioa_7;
WriteReg(INT_FIX_CLR2, 0x02);

///Simple timer2///
void main (void)
IE = 0xA0;
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0xC0);
WriteReg(TMR2_PRDH, 0x0A);
WriteReg(TMR2_PRDM, 0xFF);
WriteReg(TMR2_PRDL, 0xFF);
WriteReg(TMR2_MSK, 0x01);
WriteReg(TMR2_CTRL, 0x21);
gpioa_6 = 1;
while (1);

void int1_handler (void) interrupt 5
gpioa_7 = ~gpioa_7;
WriteReg(INT_FIX_CLR3, 0x02);

///Timer with external stop///

/*void main (void)
IE = 0x90; //Enable interrupts from timer1
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0xC0); //GPIOA_7 and GPIOA_6 are output
WriteReg(GPIOA_ALTF0, 0x0C); //The stop event occurs on a falling edge of GPIOA_1
WriteReg(TMR1_CFG, 0x02); //The stop event on a falling edge
WriteReg(TMR1_MSK, 0x08); //Enable interrupt of stopping timer by external event
WriteReg(TMR1_CTRL, 0x05); //Enable timer with external stop event
gpioa_6 = 1;
while (1);

void int1_handler (void) interrupt 4
gpioa_7 = 1;
WriteReg(INT_FIX_CLR2, 0x02); //Reset interrupt

void main (void)
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0xC0); //GPIOA_7 and GPIOA_6 are output
WriteReg(TMR0_CTRL, 0x0F); //Timer0-counter is enabled
WriteReg(TMR1_PRDH, 0x11); //High period of timer1
WriteReg(TMR1_PRDM, 0x01); //Medium period of timer1
WriteReg(TMR1_PRDL, 0x01); //Low period of timer1
WriteReg(TMR1_CTRL, 0x1F); //Start timer-counter
while (1)
gpioa_7 ^= 1; //Invert GPIOA_7 state
//It counts till value from TMR1_PRDH, TMR1_PRDM, TMR1_PRDL
//And when it reaches this values then occurs Timer0 STOP_EVENT
if ((ReadReg(TMR0_ST)&0x08)==0x08) //If Timer0 STOP_EVENT occured
gpioa_6 = 1; //GPIOA_6 to high level

///Timer-counter with external event///
void main (void)
IE = 0x84; //Enable interrupts from timer0
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0xE0); //GPIOA_7 and GPIOA_6 are output
WriteReg(GPIOC_ALTF0, 0x03); //GPIOC_0 for TIMER_1
WriteReg(TMR0_MSK, 0x08); //Enable interrupt by STOP_EVENT
WriteReg(TMR0_CTRL, 0x0F); //Timer-counter is enabled
WriteReg(TMR1_PRDH, 0x00); //High period of timer1
WriteReg(TMR1_PRDM, 0x00); //Medium period of timer1
WriteReg(TMR1_PRDL, 0x02); //Low period of timer1
WriteReg(TMR1_CFG, 0x0A); //The stop event occurs on a falling edge of GPIOC_0
WriteReg(TMR1_CTRL, 0x1F); //Start counting

while (1)
gpioa_7 ^= 1;

void int1_handler (void) interrupt 2
gpioa_5 = 1; //Set high level
WriteReg(INT_FIX_CLR1, 0x02); //Reset interrupt

///Inter-event timer///
void main(void)
IE = 0x84; //Enable interrupts from timer0
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0xC0); //GPIOA_7 and GPIOA_6 are output
gpioa_6 = 1; //Set high level
WriteReg(GPIOA_ALTF0, 0x03); //GPIOA_0 for START and STOP events
WriteReg(TMR0_CFG, 0x02); //The stop event occurs on a falling edge, the start event occurs on a rising edge
WriteReg(TMR0_MSK, 0x08); //Enable interrupt by STOP_EVENT
WriteReg(TMR0_CTRL, 0x09); //Inter-event timer is enabled

gpioa_7 = 1;
gpioa_7 ^=1;

void int1_handler (void) interrupt 2
gpioa_6 = 0; //Set low level
WriteReg(INT_FIX_CLR1, 0x02); //Reset interrupt

Project #10 (UART)

#include "regs_map_C_v6.h"
#include "reg51.h"

This program shows UART interface in action. (GPIOA_4 is used for TX_PIN, GPIOA_5 is used for RX_PIN)
1. Pin GPIOA_7 is being used for choosing mode between transmit and receive.
2. In transmitting mode microcontroller sending three bytes in series from array "c".
3. After pg. 2 it sends byte "\n", so final string looks like "qwe\n".
4. In receiving mode microcontroller waits, while RX buffer would be not empty.
5. When microcontroller receives one byte, it saves it to array "val".

sbit gpioa_7 = 0x87;
sbit gpioa_3 = 0x83;
unsigned char val[2]; //array for receiving
char* c[3] = {'q','w','e'}; //array for transmitting
int i;

void Delay(int tick);

void main(void)
WriteReg(GPIOA_DIR_SET, 0x80); //GPIOA_7 is output
WriteReg(GPIOA_ALTF1, 0x05); //GPIOA_4 - tx, GPIOA_5 - rx
WriteReg(UART0_BDR0, 0x1A); //Less significant byte of baudrate
WriteReg(UART0_BDR1, 0x00); //Most significant byte of baudrate (final baudrate is 9600)
while (1)
if(gpioa_7) //If it's in high level - transmitting mode
WriteReg(UART0_CTRL, 0x10); //Transmitter is enabled, receiver is disabled
WriteReg(UART0_TX, c[i]); //Writing one byte from array "c" to transmit buffer
while((ReadReg(UART0_ST1)&0x2)!=0x2); //Waiting for transmitter idle
WriteReg(UART0_TX, '\n');
else //If it's in low level - receiving mode
WriteReg(UART0_CTRL, 0x20); //Receiver is enabled, transmitter is disabled
while ((ReadReg(UART0_ST1)&0x01)!=0x01); //Waiting reception of byte to RX buffer
val[0] = ReadReg(UART0_RX0); //Writing this byte to array "val"

void Delay(int tick){
volatile int i=0;